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Membership FAQ

How to sign in to your Loyalty and Rewards Account

by Amanda Hirner 06 Oct 2023

How to sign in to your Loyalty and Rewards Account

You must be signed in to your Bee Naturals account in order to earn or redeem your loyalty points and rewards. To sign in, please follow these directions:

Step 1: Click on the green button on the bottom right corner that says “Bee Naturals Rewards”

Step 2: The welcome menu will immediately appear. Click the button to log in as shown in the picture. 

Step 3: You will be redirected to the log in page for the website. Complete the log in information and press the button to sign in. If you do not have an account please click to create one at this time.


Step 4: Once you have successfully logged into your Bee Naturals account, your loyalty and membership information will display as seen in the picture.



More How To:

How to redeem rewards points towards the purchase of a free product.

How to redeem rewards points to use as a discount towards your purchase.

How to cancel the redemption of a reward that you no longer wish to redeem.

How to redeem Free Shipping for Beauty Club Members.

How to change your profile information on your Loyalty and Rewards account

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